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What are the best stock market books?

Best Overall: The Intelligent Investor. BUY ON AMAZON. If you're only going to read one book about stocks, "The Intelligent Investor" is the book to go with. Originally released in 1949 by Benjamin Graham, Warren Buffett’s college professor, this title remains the single best book on investing to ever hit the shelves.

What are the best books to learn how to invest?

Best investing books for beginners: “Broke Millennial Takes on Investing: A Beginner's Guide to Leveling Up Your Money” by Erin Lowry. “Clever Girl Finance: Learn How Investing Works, Grow ...

What are the best trading stocks?

Best Stocks To Day Trade Tesla (NYSE: TSLA) Tesla is an electric vehicle stock that has become very popular for day trading. It has an average monthly beta of 2.00 and a substantial average volume of over 20 million shares per day.

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